Thursday 19 November 2009

Some of my work

Carbon Footprints

My carbon footprints getting smaller on mother earth with pains befall her
From birth of man till present day with hastened speed we wash away
The gifts of life and universe destroyed so fast with humans curse
Yet we along can learn to see the need for sacrifice she pleads

For under foot and over land the chemicals produced by man
Have eaten holes and withers trees how long must she of bended knee
Resound her fait proclaim the end of all we know and all defend
Through warring worlds and bloodied smiles the smoke of death securing miles

Of land we have no right to say we own for it we fight to stay
Within life’s bubble each a sphere we double strife creating fear
When all is love beset of time when looking in I think we’ll find
That if we take the step of faith to change our ways decrease out waste

Then we may like the snowdrop bloom can coexist and not consume
All that we have all that we do the thing I take as mine like you
Will understand that in each day what man does think or he would say
Has no command no grip on time but can bestow a trail behind

With all our knowledge over time and Einstein’s laws of space and time
We fail to see or understand it’s all been done long past commands
Unaware filled up with pride huge gains we made with every stride
But with such gain with all we laid oh how her cradling arms have paid

From burnt out lands and fossil fuel our children’s lives already ruled
For who are we of what is man so misinformed to understand
The urgent pleas of weekly fears our earth has cried 10billion tears
And in each passing day path is set the footprints lead to all we get

We try to hold within each hand a sculpture made of dried out sand
Each grain a part on natures plans a glistened glimpse of age old lands
When all was equalled with the rhyme of seasons clear not undermined
And now we can begin to dwell within a world of manmade hell

Of upset elements converged of howling winds of seas that surge
Like sleep walkers we calmly walk with total disregard or thought
No waking up so unaware the damage made yet do we care?
For you can read and you can say that what I write with pen today

Cannot be influenced by just one concerning soul a duty done
To stand up first to lead the way realising how each action may
Protect our world of blue and green respecting live good deeds unseen
But listen now it matters not how much I write or truths are taught

The time has come for all mankind stop turn round and look behind
Each fume of gas each acid tear that overwhelms the atmosphere
Almost too late almost too far we pushed the hand to chime the hour
Its over now this life we new with fields a green, and skies of blue

So understand within this poem this world that made herself our home
Now sit a while and contemplate of how our minds did mould her fate
When with the key you start your car, switch on a light or wasting power
Consider how each cabled tower electric made from hour to hour

A job to us we serve mankind yet even now would hope to find
The words to help you find a plan to realise we must understand
That energy conserved each day will bring new hope and pave the way
To cleaner air and shiny leaves returning flowers and buzzing bees

Yes Stop this draining of earths well is man the parasite that dwells
Upon this soft and scenic skin of earth green life force wearing thin
With no excuse no alibi the thoughtless that multiply
When all is said and all is done when man no longer sees the sun

What then? What if? We could so late reverse the pain and lock the gate
Awaken in the nick of time become aware not waist more time
Then maybe we can spring the seed relief her pain attend her needs
That is the day we can sustain our carbon footsteps will remain.

CT Mercer Feb 2007

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